Talent Recruitment

Publication and Fundings

  1. Reza Farivara#*; Jiawei Zhou#*; Yufeng Huang; Lixia Feng; Yifeng Zhou; Robert F. Hess; Two cortical deficits underlie amblyopia: a multifocal fMRI analysis, NeuroImage, 2019, 190: 232-241.

  2. Jiawei Zhou*; Alexandre Reynaud; Yeon Jin Kim; Kathy T. Mullen; Robert F. Hess*; Chromatic and achromatic monocular deprivation produce separable changes of eye dominance in adults, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2017, 284(1867): 20171669.

  3. Jiawei Zhou*; Alexandre Reynaud; Zhimo Yao; Rong Liu; Lixia Feng; Yifeng Zhou; Robert F. Hess; Amblyopic suppression: Passive attenuation, enhanced dichoptic masking by the fellow eye or reduced dichoptic masking by the amblyopic eye?. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 2018, 59(10): 4190-4197.

  4. Hui Chen#; Zhifen He#; Jinling Xu; Yu Mao; Yunjie Liang; Danli Lin; Meiping Xu; Zhiyue Dai; Xiaoxin Chen; Jiawei Zhou*; Xinping Yu*; A convenient and robust test to quantify interocular suppression for children with amblyopia, i-Perception, 2019, 10(4): 2041669519864971.

  5. Robert F. Hess*; Rifeng Ding; Simon Clavagnier; Catherine Liu; Cindy Guo; Catherine Viner; Brendan T. Barrett; Krupali Radia; Jiawei Zhou*; A robust and reliable test to measure stereopsis in the clinic, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2016, 57(3): 798-804.

  6. Jiawei Zhou*; Rong Liu; Lixia Feng; Yifeng Zhou; Robert F. Hess; Deficient binocular combination of second-order stimuli in amblyopia, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2016, 57(4): 1635-1642.

  7. Jiawei Zhou*; Lixia Feng; Huimin Lin; Robert F. Hess; On the maintenance of normal ocular dominance and a possible mechanism underlying refractive adaptation, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2016, 57(13): 5181-5185.

  8. Ling Gong#; Seung Hyun Min#; Shijia Chen; Junhan Wei; Deying Kong; Chunwen Tao; Peng Zhang; Pi-Chun Huang*; Jiawei Zhou*; Reduced Monocular Luminance Increases Monocular Temporal Synchrony Threshold in Human Adults, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 2020, 61(8): 1-1.

  9. Yu Mao#; Seung Hyun Min#; Shijia Chen; Ling Gong; Hao Chen*; Robert F. Hess; Jiawei Zhou*; Binocular Imbalance in Amblyopia Depends on Spatial Frequency in Binocular Combination, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2020, 61(8): 7-7.

  10. Yidong Wu; Alexandre Reynaud; Chunwen Tao; Yu Mao; Zhifen He; Jiawei Zhou*; Robert F. Hess; Two patterns of interocular delay revealed by spontaneous motion-in-depth Pulfrich phenomenon in amblyopes with stereopsis, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2020, 61(3): 22-22.

  11. Ruyin Chen, Wanli Pan, Jianqiang Zhang, and Linru Nie. Multiple absolute negative mobility, Chaos, (2016), 26,093113.

  12. Ruyin Chen, Linru Nie, Chunhua Zeng, Chongyang Chen. Symmetry breaking: anomalous transports induced by mass modulation, Chaos, (2018), 28, 053115.

  13. Ruyin Chen, Linru Nie, Chongyang Chen and Chaojie Wang. Arbitrary segments of absolute negative mobility, J. Stat. Mech. (2016), 2017, 013201

  14. Ruyin Chen, Chaojie Wang, Zhifen He, Abnormal transport behaviors in traveling wave system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (2019), 126, 116-121.

  15. Ruyin Chen, Luoluo Jiang, Directed transport of symmetrically periodic system induced by “color”breaking of noise, Chaos (2020) (Accepted)

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